Mr Dalton's Class (2017 - 2018)


Monday 11th December 2017

What a day! The sky was blue, the sun shone but It was freezing cold all day! We wrapped up warm and headed outside for final forest school day in the snow. Our first task this morning was to find as many animal tracks as we could in the snow. We found the following:

  1. Cat paw prints
  2. fox paw prints
  3. Bird prints

This kept us warm as we were very busy looking for them. Our next task was to build an animal shelter out of snow. This was really good fun but some of us got a little cold so we learnt how to stay warm by running, hopping and jumping up and down. This worked very well.

In the afternoon it was a little warmer. As well as using all the Forest School resources we had a go at making bread. It tasted delicious and we all wanted some more.

Monday 20th November 2017

Today was another great day at Forest School. Mr Thorpe talked to us about the Great Fire of London to start with; telling us that we would be lighting our own fires in afternoon using different tools to prepare the wood. We then took some time thinking about how to stay safe when using a knife and how to move safely around a fire.

After this we started off some problem solving activities based on transporting water with out spiling a drop. This is was great fun but we all got a little wet. Please see our twitter feed for all the fun we had. 

In the afternoon we had a go at preparing wood by splitting it with a knife, making wood shavings and then using a flint and steel to make sparks. These activities were much harder that we thought they were going to be but with lots of practice we got there.

All in all a fab day.

Monday 23rd October 2017

Wow! What an exciting day Year 2 have had today. We started the morning off by looking for storm damage in our forest. We noticed that lots small sticks had broken off the trees, but luckily no major damage.

Mr Thorpe then set us some team challenges. We had to work in groups of 10 to complete the following. 

  1. How many people can stand on a small wooden square?
  2. Can you change places while standing on a plank so that you are in height order.?
  3. Can you go under the limbo poles while holding hands with your partner?

All were great fun but we had to work hard together.

Our next challenge was to think about our science topic of habitats for Mini Beasts. We had to work together in small groups to make a habitat for different mini beasts. We had to give reasons to why the animals would like to live there.

In the afternoon Mr Thorpe read a letter  from the Forestry Commission. They wanted to know which tree trunk was the widest. we had to use string to measure around the tree. We then had to measure the string in centimeters.

Monday 2nd October 2017

What an amazing day Year 2 had today. The sun shone and we quickly got started on our activities. We started the morning off by looking at things that could hurt us; so we spent some time thinking about how to manage the area. We then got split off into teams and had to complete a problem solving activity with a Tarpaulin. We quickly understood that we needed to work together. We then moved onto our map work. We had to create a map of the Forest School area using natural resources. This was a real challenge but we got there in the end.

If the afternoon Mr Thorpe set us a challenge of completing an Orienteering course which was all about the Naughty Bus. 

Zara said "This has been the best Forest School day ever!"

Monday 11th September 2017

Year 2 had a great time in our first Forest School session of the year! Unfortunately, the weather wasn't the best but we didn't let it dampen our spirits. In the morning we played some maths games before moving on to work based around the Naughty Bus book. We mapped the journey that the bus went on using the materials that we could find; there were some incredible designs. In the afternoon we made our own buses by sawing pieces of wood and then painting them which was challenging but fun. Finally we created a huge picture of a bus on the floor which was a challenge because the wind kept blowing the materials away! All in all it was a fun and very rewarding day. We are looking forward to our next session.

Our School is a family of faith, hope, love, fun and learning for all

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Woodford Lane, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2JS