Oxford Owl
Visit Oxford Owl using this link and the login details from your child's class teacher to access lots of fantastic Ebooks your child can read! Books are available for children at all stages of reading from Nursery to Year 6
Daily RWI Phonics Lessons
Follow this link to access daily RWI Speed Sounds and Hold a Sentence lessons to compliment the work your child is completing in school or through Teams:
The Literacy Trust
Visit the website below to access lots of reading activities you can do at home and links to useful websites.
Phonics Play games are free to use during the crisis, children can login at home without a subscription using these details. Username : jan21 Password: home
Click on this link to visit the Phonics Play website: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Pie Corbett- Talk 4 Writing
Every weekday Pie Corbett is broadcasting on RadioBlogging.net. It is a free, creative, interactive literacy show which he co-presents. It is aimed at KS2, though they have listeners as young as 5! Ideal for children at home!