Eco Warriors
Eco Warriors 2020-21
At St Joseph's we pride ourselves on being an eco-friendly school and we have previously managed to secure the Bronze award. This year we are going to be working towards renewing our Bronze award and then continuing on to achieving the Silver award. New information will be added to this page regularly so that we can keep you up to date with everything that is going on.
September 2020
Over the next few weeks we will be nominating children across the school to be our new Eco Warriors. These children will be responsible for coming up with new ideas to help our school to become more eco-friendly and promoting these in their classes and around school. We will meet regualrly to discuss what we would like to focus on and how this is going to help our school and the wider community.
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact Miss Whitehead or Mr Vost.
October 2020
The children across KS1 and KS2 have now nominated one Eco Warrior per class. When restrictions allow we are planning to include EYFS by nominating additional KS2 children to support with their involvement. The following children from Year 1 - Year 6 have been chosen: Patrick, Amelie, Joseph, Jon, Jake, Sophie, Nieve, Erin and Daniel.
February 2021
Eco Schools at home campaign
As part of our ongoing work towards the Eco Award we have been given the opportunity to take part in a local campaign during this period of school closures. We have the chance to win some AMAZING recycling equipment for our school and we need your help to do so! In order for us to enter the competition, we need everybody to take part in our Eco Schools at home campaign where we will be working on 5 different challenges. Below you will find a document which contains an outline of the challenges.
Class teachers will be setting some of the challenges as part of your home learning activities over the next few weeks but you can choose to complete more if you wish to. For each challenge there will be information on what you need to do and what you need to send in to school as evidence. You will need to send the work directly to your class teacher as usual and they will forward them to me. The more evidence we get the more entries I can submit and the more chance we have at winning one of the prizes! All entries will be shared with the Eco Schools Company in order for us to enter the competition so please only send in work if you are happy and give consent for this to happen. All work will be submitted anonymously so where possible please try to avoid writing names on them.
I can’t wait to see all of the fantastic entries! Miss Whitehead
March 2021
The Eco Warriors recently met to complete an environmental review of our school. From this the children decided on the key areas they want us to begin focusing on and we created an action plan to help direct our goals. You can see a copy of the meeting minutes and our action plan by viewing the documents below.
May 2021
The Eco Warriors met to discuss our progress towards the targets they set at the last meeting, the children were confident to share what has been going well and what our next steps to improve should be. The warriors collectively wrote the final version of our Eco Code ,which has been emailed to all parents and can be found below, focusing on the key points they thought were most important at this time. They also discussed the possbility of us taking part in Keep Britain Tidy's Great Big School Clean campaign and asked me to pitch their ideas to Mrs Gum. Their ideas were very well thought out and took into account the current restrictions in school so Mrs Gum agreed to let us take part. An email has been sent to all parents to inform them of this event and how you can get involved as a family at home!
Exciting dates coming up...
28th May - 13th June - Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean campaign - How many hours/minutes will you pledge as a family to keep our local community clean?
7th - 11th June - Keep Britain Tidy Great Big School Clean campaign - Litter picking sessions taking place in school in class bubbles
11th June - Eco Day!
To find out more about the Litter Picking campaigns please visit the following website
Remember to send in pictures of any Eco work completed at home to help us towards our award.
Miss Whitehead
June 2021 - Eco Day!
On Friday 11th June, our whole school enjoyed an exciting day of outdoor activities designed to raise our awareness of environmental issues and to improve our school grounds.
We enjoyed activities such as making bird feeders, designing bug hotels, going on scavenger hunts, creating dream catchers, planting and leaf printing to name but some of them. We had a fabulous day and hope to continue our eco learning when we are back in class. A big thank you to everyone for a wonderful day!
July 2021
The Eco Warriors met recently to discuss the progress we have made this year and the next steps we need to take. They evaluated the effectiveness of Eco Day and have already come up with some ideas to make it even better next year! The children were thrilled to find out that our application for funding had been accepted meaning we will be receiving a new litter picking kit very soon. We talked about the evidence we have collected so far and decided that we may be ready to apply for our Silver Award soon... watch this space! The Eco Warriors also decided that they would like to sign up for Plastic Free Schools in order to cut down the amount of single use plastics we currently use as a school. More information will follow about this shortly.
Eco Warriors 2021- 22
At St Joseph's we pride ourselves on being an eco-friendly school and last year we successfully renewed our Bronze Award. Due to the Eco Schools application process being adapted over the summer we will no longer be applying for a Silver Award. Instead this year we will be using all of the evidence we gathered before the summer holidays and more to apply for our first ever green flag!
October 2021
We have now formed our latest Eco Warriors group, the children from last year will be continuing with the work they started and new chidren have also been nominated to help us. The following children will be our Eco Warriors this year:
Conor (Year 1), Alana (Year 1/2), Patrick and Amelie (Year 2), Alfie (Year 3), Joseph (Year 3/4), Jon (Year 4), Jake and Sophie (Year 5), James (Year 5/6) and Nieve (Year 6 and EYFS represenative).
January 2022
Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions being in place in school and different classes being in isolation at different times we have not managed to have as many Eco Warrior meetings as we would have liked. However our work towards our green flag is still very much ongoing and regular communcations are being sent via email etc around school to ensure we are still doing all we can during these difficult times.
Two things that we would like to focus on this year and that you can support with are as follows:
- Walking to school where possible
- Remembering to send in a reusable water bottle for your child to drink from throughout the day
April 2022
Our Eco Warriors have been able to meet for the first time this academic year and they were very excited to get started! We reviewed our environmental review and action plan and decided to keep these the same due to the interuptions and barriers we faced as a result of COVID last academic year. The children were keen to discuss ways to integrate our Eco Schools work into the wider curriculum, as we had just done through the theme of Growth for BSW. The children judged the competition entrie and decided on the posters they thought would be best to submit to the national competiton. Our Eco Warriors are excited to complete as much work as possibe over the coming months now that restrictions are easing.
May 2022 - The Big Plastic Count
As a school we have signed up to The Big Plastic Count so that we can help to make a difference to the amount of plastic waste. The results from this survey will be used to help challenge the government and industries to make a change. We will be running our survey from Monday 23rd May until Sunday 29th May. A letter has been sent to you explaining how you can get involved and we would urge as many families as possible to take part. A copy of the letter and other resources that you may find useful can also be found in the files section below. To find out more about The Big Plastic Count you can visit the following website and the following video also explains how easy it is for you to get involved
June 2022 - Eco Day
On Friday 10th June we hosted an Eco Day for the whole school. On this day children from across school explored different Eco Schools topics and activies to increase their understanding. Children took part in various activities such as creating posters to promote energy saving, creating anti-littering campaign videos, creating presentations to inform others about the dangers of single use plastics, writing letters to our local MP and businesses to persuade them to help with issues, planting, litter picks, making bird feeders and much more! We also hosted an assembly to celebrate our work from the day and to reestablish the most important messages including our action plan, our eco code and most importantly our progress towards the green flag award.
June 2022 - Parent feedback
Please follow the link below to take part in a short survey about our Eco Schools work. Your feedback is valuable to us.
July 2022 - Green Flag Application